Hi, I’m Trevor.

Welcome to my new website. This is a bit of an experimental design, but one that I’m much more interested in keeping updated and writing to frequently: This website intentionally has no table of contents, no explore, etc1. I want to try to make this website to be more of a conversation with me rather than a repository of useless writings, a choose your own adventure if you will. This website will be almost like a wiki of my thoughts (this does mean that the webpages have to be strongly connected in a graph-theory sense). I’m using the Quartz Framework to run and build this website off Obsidian so it’s a lot easier to write.

This website will be pretty raw and unfiltered. Although some ideas may seem harsh I’m just trying to be clear and I’m always happy to discuss content. An email link should appear here eventually… It’s also heavily under construction, so 404 errors might be quite common.

By making this website, I’ve learned how important it is to put things into writing. Personally, I use a personal writing system that I’ve found to be pretty useful. The pages you see here are mostly a result of that system. I’m also trying to motivate myself and just do something personal and public.

As a bit of an introduction, I’m currently doing a PhD in electrical engineering. In addition to doing good research, I’ve learned it’s important to convey ideas clearly to audiences, especially non-technical ones. I’m quite into fitness, and I think everyone can be as well. Competing in sports is always fun, but I like a bit of friendly competition in lots of other places as well, whether that be watching sports, playing video games, or board games. To support my appetite, I also had to learn how to cook well to make it bearable, so naturally I’m quite into food as well.

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